This BLOG documents our internal study in understanding the Transparency Mode setting that is available on Zumbach Laser Micrometers.

Zumbach documentation states there is no degradation in the Zumbach Laser Micrometer output when this mode is turned on. The Transparency mode is controlled by setting C185 to 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF) via RS-232 communication.

We utilized a Zumbach ODAC 18XY Laser Micrometer in our study. The overall SYSTEM was calibrated with a Class X 0.10000″ gage (minus) pin which had an effective diameter of 0.099999 inches. The gage pin was placed in the Zumbach measurement window and fixed stationary so that the gage pin was unable to move. The gage pin was measured for an extended period of time using the SOFTWARE with Transparency mode turned ON and with Transparent Mode turned OFF. Room temperature of the measurement environment was 78 +/- 2 degrees.

Transparency Mode ON

When transparency mode was set to ON (C185 = 1), the Laser Micrometer output had more drift with respect to time and dimensional measurement “spikes” were encountered and recorded. These artifacts should NOT have occurred since the gage pin was stationary in the measurement window. This configuration was repeated on multiple runs typically lasting 12 to 24 hours – the results shown in the graph below are representative.

Zumbach Laser Micrometer in Transparency Mode set to ON measuring a fixed gage pin

Zumbach Laser Micrometer in Transparency Mode set to ON measuring a fixed gage pin










Transparency Mode set to OFF

The results obtain when Transparency Mode was set to OFF (C185 = 0) were much more reliable and repeatable. There was minimal measurement drift as a function of time and no instances of measurement “spikes” were encountered. The overall standard deviation in this mode was approximately 50 percent less as compared to the case when Transparency Mode was set to ON.”

Zumbach Laser Measurement readings of fixed gage pin with Transparency mode set to OFF

Zumbach Laser Measurement readings of fixed gage pin with Transparency mode set to OFF











It is our conclusion that Transparency mode should NOT be turned ON unless it is absolutely necessary, that is, the manufacturing line is measuring material is truly transparent.

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